Now Hiring Physiotherapists, Physiotherapists Assistants and Occupational Therapists – Open Opportunities
BiM Health Services
Helping you live fulfilling and rewarding lives.
Our Services

Our dedicated team of professionals holds vast expertise across all aspects of physiotherapy treatment. We work closely with you to identify the best approach to relieve your discomfort and prevent its recurrence in the future.

Registered Massage Therapy
Our proficient Registered Massage Therapists are capable of addressing various issues, including restoring postural alignment, improving biomechanics, and easing muscle tension related to sports injuries, motor vehicle accidents, and stress.

Long-Term Care Home Services
We provide caring, compassionate, and consistent rehabilitation services to Residents living in Long-Term Care Homes across Ontario.

Mental Health Services
We deliver client-centred, evidence-based treatment to address a variety of psychological conditions, with a goal of return to work.

Activate! Program
A structured interdisciplinary program designed for individuals with mental health conditions.

Integrated Care Program
Integrated Care Program incorporates physical reconditioning and behavioural activation.

Retirement Home Physiotherapy
Evidence-informed and professional Physiotherapy Services conveniently delivered in your Retirement Home.